Acceptable Use - Hotjar Email


A Hotjar work email address is the property of Hotjar. This policy applies when used on any network or device.

Personal, non-business use of Hotjar’s email service is permissible provided it does not consume significant resources or time and does not pre-empt any business activities, confidentiality agreements, or conflicts with Hotjar's Core Values. With our values in mind, Hotjar does not tolerate participation in any form of harassment via email tone, frequency, or message.

Emails, including attachments, should be handled appropriately based on the sensitivity of the information contained. For guidance, the Data Classification Policy helps to determine the classification and the extent to which it should be managed.

Email best practice

  • Respect relevant legislation. You are responsible for observing copyright, intellectual property rights, and licensing agreements that may apply to information, documents and software.

  • Take care if emails are received from unknown and unexpected sources. Do not open suspicious emails and their attachments or web links, as these may contain malicious software.

  • When possible it's preferable to open and edit files completely through the Google Drive/Docs interface as this will prevent the infection of local machines

  • It is good practice to save attachments to the local desktop (or other relevant computer folders) before opening them so that they can be automatically checked for malicious software content.

  • If appropriate, immediately share information about the threat with the team either through email or instant messaging

  • Ensure that only relevant recipients of emails are included in correspondence


  • Using email for political purposes, and personalized advertising.

  • Open or engage with phishing or spam email(s). You can read more about Social Engineering here.

  • Using email to store or transmit:

    • Pornographic, obscene, offensive, racist, defamatory, harassing, or intimidating material;

    • Unsolicited messages (known as spam), hoaxes, and nuisance emails. If such emails are received, never reply to or forward them to other users.

  • Spoofing emails, transmitting anonymous emails, or changing the origin or content of emails that have been sent or received.


Please report any suspected email compromise, potential social engineering, or downloading a suspicious attachment to immediately.

Information on this site was developed by Hotjar, Ltd. and can not be reproduced without our express written consent.