As a fully remote team, we're spread out across several continents and the benefits of this, for us, outweigh the challenges. However, we know how much worth comes from getting to know each other in person. Our team meets up several times a year for this reason, be it with the entire company or for smaller team meetups. While attendance is highly encouraged, it's never compulsory. We know that team members might have other things happening in their lives to prevent them from coming. Travel to and from, and all expenses for these meetups are paid for by the company.

We generally travel Monday (departure) and Friday (return) in order to have 3 full days together. People are welcome to extend their trip on either side to make the most of the location they're heading to - the Holiday budget is there to be used!

If you’re travelling with family or friends before/after meet-ups/retreats we won’t cover the cost of their accommodation or flight but you may use the Holiday budget for that. The meetup is for Hotjar team members to spend quality time together getting to know each other, so whilst family and friends are welcome to travel to the same destination they would need to cater for their own needs (accommodation/food/activities) separately during the week of the meet-up/retreat.

Company Retreats

Twice a year - in summer and winter - we bring our entire company together, at a different location each time. We choose the location based on weather at the time of year, and how easy it is to fly people in from so many different locations. It's a chance to catch up with the entire team, to meet new team members who have joined since the last retreat, and for all to get to know each other, have fun, and to learn together.

Team Meet-ups

We also meet up once or twice a year in our smaller teams, for a week of dedicated work. It's great to use the time working together from the same space to collaborate on big projects. Depending on the department, these meet-ups might take the form of hackathons, docuthons.... Any form that works best for the team and their work.